Heat map showing location of every chromosome on world map. Colored hotspots indicate points of ancestry concentration(s). References based on K36 oracle spreadsheet.
If someone is of mixed continental background like in this example:
Example of K36 Chromo HEAT Map
There will prepared two maps to show both major admixtures.
For people with only one major background, like German or Turkish for example, map will be one of course.
What we offer:
- Heat map of chromosome locations with link to interactive zoomable map
- In case of someone being of mixed continental ancestry, two maps showing both ancestral parts will be included!
- List of references for every chromosome
- all in one PDF report
How to get K36 Chromosomal HEAT Map?
01 You can send to [email protected] either your Gedmatch kit number.
Or send us raw data file from your genetic company (FTDNA, 23&me, MyHeritage, LivingDNA, AncestryDNA or other). If you need assistance in doing it, just ask.
02Then pay 9.5 Euro (1.5USD).
03 Your report will be send after at least 1-2 business days after order. If you didn't get confirmation by email, please contact us on Facebook (m.me/lm.genetics).
You can also buy by credit card directly using those buttons (on the next screen bottom link).
11,5 USD9,5 EURO