What are your sources for population averages?
1. There are used academic samples which are freely available for public use. All relevant results are checked in K36 calculator and then added to specific, regional averages. Mainly (about 80%) from those large resources (also big genetic companies use them):
David Reich Lab | datasets
Estonian Biocentre Free Data
Human Genome Diversity Project
1000 Genomes Project
Also from some other datasets published as suplements for academic papers, but there can't be shown publicly as our competitors don't know those sources yet... You must understand our position here:) You would be informed privately if your results will be in large part based on them and you will be theoretically interested in such information.
2. For some small, regional averages there are used Gedmatch kits with GEDCOM trees pointing to one region only. Because of using K36 calculator it is possible to check those kits on Gedmatch and add to averages. It is also possible to use K36 results of our previous customers (about 1500 so far) if they inform us about their genealogy (and it is from one region only) and allow us to use it.
What tools do you use to create reports?
There are used Open-Source tools:
- nMonte R script created by Ger Huibregts
- Dodecad 2-way Oracle R script created by Dienekes Pontikos
- Admix4 Oracle exe script created by Alexandr Burnashev
- Reference Point Oracle created by me (Lukasz Macuga), using Wanke and Kocka statistical alghoritm and Excel functions
- PAST programm for multivariate graphs (PCA, MDS, Dendorgram) and calculating correlation and euclidean distances
When LM Genetics was created?
I (Lukasz Macuga) started first to make Correlation Maps for genetic foras users (August 2017). It was so popular that later I expanded my service to full K36 Ancestral Report (January 2018). In February 2018 it was created this website and name LM Genetics first appeared. Since December 2018 it is offered K36 Chromosomal analysis too.
If you need raw file for creating report / analysis?
For people afraid of their privacy, answer is no. K36 Ancestral Report could be created using just your K36 results copied from Gedmatch.com or Yourdnaportal.com or other tool for checking calculator results. Anyway some people aren't on Gedmatch / yourdnaportal so in such case it is needed to send us raw data of course.
But for chromosomal analysis we would like to have your Gedmatch kit to check and copy table with chromosomal breakdown by ourselves. It is simply easier than manually transcribe it from printscreen with results.
But if you don't want to give us kit number, we will use your printscreen, no problem...
How long I have to wait for result?
It depends. Usually we have many previous orders in queue so now it is about a 10 business days.
More questions?
If you have more question, email us [email protected] and we publish them with answers.