This analysis provides detailed ancestry information for every chromosome.
What you will get:
- list of single distances to ethnic / regional references from our population database for every your chromosome
- nMonte oracle ethnic / regional breakdown for every your chromosome
- moreover it is added PCA plot showing all chromosome positions against ethnic groups from our database.
- all in one PDF report, which is stored on-line
Example of K36 Chromosomal Analysis

How to get K36 Chromosomal Analysis?
01 You can send to [email protected] your Gedmatch kit number or raw data file from your genetic company (FTDNA, 23&me, AncestryDNA, MyHeritage, LivingDNA or other). If you need assistance in doing it, just ask.
02Then pay 16 Euro (19 USD) http://www.lm-genetics.com/payment
03 Your analysis will be send about 21 business days after order. But because of many orders waiting time could be longer. You will be informed about possible problems with payment or file you sent, if it would be needed. If you wait more then 21 days, please contact us on FB (m.me/lm.genetics), because rarely it could be a problem with receiving our email.
Paypal Payment links
You can also buy by credit card directly using those buttons (on the next screen bottom link).
Paypal payment in Euro (16 euro per analysis) |
Paypal payment in US Dollars (19 USD per analysis) |
Account for Euro bank transfer.
For international SEPA/ SWIFT tranfers in Euro from any country
Account holder: Łukasz Macuga
IBAN: BE67 9670 2055 6787
Bank adress: TransferWise Europe SA, Square de Meeûs 38 bte 40, Brussels 1000, Belgium